JobRunr Pro


Mutexes in JobRunr will postpone jobs until a shared mutex is free

A mutex is a mutually exclusive flag. It acts as a gate keeper to a resource allowing only one Job to use it and postpones all others jobs using the same mutex.

Usage via @Job annotation

Using a mutex is as easy as using Queues and Server Tags, again thanks to the Job annotation. Just add it to your service method and specify the mutex to use

@Job(mutex = "virus-scanner")
public void onlyProcessOneJobAtTheSameTime() {
    System.out.println("This will not run parallel as it is guarded by a mutex");

Usage via JobBuilder pattern

When you are using the JobBuilder pattern, you can pass the serverTag via the JobBuilder.

        .withDetails(() -> System.out.println("This will not run parallel as it is guarded by a mutex"));

Advanced example Mutexes can also take into account job parameters. In the example below, we have 3 mutexes in total:

  • virus-scanner/LINUX
  • virus-scanner/WINDOWS
  • virus-scanner/MACOS
public void scanForViruses(File folder) {
    for(String f : folder.list()) {

public void scanForViruses(String file) {
    BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> osSpecificVirusScan("LINUX", file));
    BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> osSpecificVirusScan("WINDOWS", file));
    BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> osSpecificVirusScan("MACOS", file));

@Job(mutex = "virus-scanner/%0")
public void osSpecificVirusScan(String os, String file) {
    System.out.println(String.format("This will result in a mutex virus-scanner/%0", os));
Even if we would have 100 worker threads and over 1000 files in the given folder, only 3 jobs would be processed in parallel as the mutex makes sure the virus scanner is only processing one file at the same time per OS


Mutexes don’t require any configuration.