Quarkus Extension

JobRunr has excellent support for Quarkus thanks to the JobRunr Quarkus Extension

Integration with Quarkus cannot be easier using the quarkus-jobrunr extension! There is even a complete example project available at https://github.com/jobrunr/example-quarkus

Add the dependency to the extension

As the Quarkus Extension is available in Maven Central, all you need to do is add this dependency:




implementation 'org.jobrunr:quarkus-jobrunr:${jobrunr.version}'

Do note that you also need to add either Jackson or Yasson for Json serialization. See the installation page for more info.

Configure JobRunr

JobRunr can be configured easily in your application.properties. If you only want to schedule jobs, you don’t need to do anything. If you want to have a BackgroundJobServer to process background jobs or the dashboard enabled, just add the following properties to the application.properties:


These are disabled by default so that your web application does not start processing jobs by accident.

The quarkus-jobrunr extension will try to either use an existing DataSource bean for relational databases or it will use one of the provided NoSQL client beans (like MongoClient for MongoDB and RestHighLevelClient for ElasticSearch. Redis is only supported by adding a custom Singleton that makes use of either Jedis or Lettuce).
If no such bean is defined, you will either need to define it or create a StorageProvider bean yourself.


The JobRunr Quarkus extension not only adds distributed background Job Processing to your application but also adds Smallrye health checks and micrometer performance counters.

Advanced Configuration

Every aspect of JobRunr can be configured via the application.properties. Below you will find all settings including their default value.

quarkus.jobrunr.database.table-prefix= # allows to set a table prefix (e.g. schema for all tables)
quarkus.jobrunr.database.datasource= # allows to specify a DataSource specifically for JobRunr
quarkus.jobrunr.database.type= # if you have multiple supported storage providers available in your application (e.g. an SQL DataSource and Elasticsearch), it allows to specify which database to choose. Valid values are 'sql', 'mongodb', 'redis-lettuce', 'redis-jedis' and 'elasticsearch'.
quarkus.jobs.default-number-of-retries=10 #the default number of retries for a failing job
quarkus.jobs.retry-back-off-time-seed=3 #the default time seed for the exponential back-off policy.
quarkus.jobrunr.background-job-server.worker-count= #this value normally is defined by the amount of CPU's that are available
quarkus.jobrunr.background-job-server.poll-interval=15 #check for new work every 15 seconds
quarkus.jobrunr.background-job-server.delete-succeeded-jobs-after=36 #succeeded jobs will go to the deleted state after 36 hours
quarkus.jobrunr.background-job-server.permanently-delete-deleted-jobs-after=72 #deleted jobs will be deleted permanently after 72 hours
quarkus.jobrunr.background-job-server.metrics.enabled=false #Micrometer integration - this was true in v5.
quarkus.jobrunr.dashboard.port=8000 #the port on which to start the dashboard
quarkus.jobrunr.miscellaneous.allow-anonymous-data-usage: true #this sends the amount of succeeded jobs for marketing purposes