Some small and incremental releases which added the following new features:

  • ElasticSearchStorageProvider: a new ElasticSearchStorageProvider is available and allows you to use ElasticSearch 7 and up as a NoSQL database for your jobs.
  • Redis: If you use Redis, you now have the option to use either Jedis or Lettuce as client library. To do so, choose one of the StorageProviders below:
    • JedisRedisStorageProvider - this is the existing Redis StorageProvider (using Jedis) but it has been renamed.
    • LettuceRedisStorageProvider - this is the new Redis StorageProvider (using Lettuce).

Breaking change

  • The RedisStorageProvider has been renamed to JedisRedisStorageProvider

Other improvements & bugfixes

  • GitHub issue 27: Jobs that don’t exist anymore (ClassNotFoundException or MethodNotFoundException) causes exceptions during database maintenance.
  • GitHub issue 28: Succeeded latency time and processing time are wrong
  • GitHub issue 30: Dashboard uptime sensor switches randomly when using Redis
  • GitHub issue 31: Daily recurring jobs run multiple times if not in UTC timezone